ALMIS® Front Office

Our leading asset liability management system

We've used our decades of ALM expertise and experience to give our market-leading software a range and depth of functionality that is unparalleled in the domestic market.

Most banking institutions need a comprehensive ALM solution for regulatory compliance and our software is more efficient than any combination of manual processes. The data produced is used in ALCO packs to give companies a deeper insight into their risk exposure, a crucial part of regulatory compliance.

The power to build the right ALM system for you

The flexible modular structure of ALMIS® Front Office allows our clients to choose any combination of ALM functionality to meet their specific needs.Our Liquidity and Market Risk modules provide a core ALM solution with the option of adding Capital Adequacy and Financial Planning to this mix.
ALMIS Capital Adequacy Icon
Capital Adequacy
Reporting and analytics on the adequacy of capital resources (standardised approach) and related topics.
ALMIS Liquidity Icon
Evaluation of and extensive reporting on liquidity risk generally, including highly configurable liquidity stress functionality.
ALMIS Market Risk Icon
Market Risk
Evaluates and reports on interest rate risk in the banking book and foreign exchange rate risk.
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Margin Management & FTP
Highly customisable analysis and reporting of margin and Funds Transfer Pricing.
ALMIS Hedge Accounting Icon
Hedge Accounting
A powerful and comprehensive IAS 39 and IFRS 9 compliant hedge accounting solution.
ALMIS Financial Planning Icon
Financial Planning
Enables the creation of complex plans and powerful balance sheet and income simulations quickly.
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Data Platform
A dedicated data platform application for all balance sheet management.

Why Choose ALMIS®?

ALM has been at the core of ALMIS International’s offering since the company was set up in 1992.
We are continually developing our ALM solution to match the increased regulatory burden on banking institutions.
The ability to integrate the ALM solution with the other ALMIS® solutions makes our software uniquely efficient.

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