Compliance with the regulatory reporting regime is an increasing burden. An autopopulated solution promotes compliance and process efficiency. Our Integrated ALM and Regulatory Reporting solution will also provide insights into risk exposures, enabling decisions which optimise the balance sheet and maximise value.
Over 80% of our client base choose the integrated ALMIS® ALM and Regulatory Reporting solution.
Integrated ALM & Regulatory Reporting
The flexible modular structure of ALMIS® allows any client to shape its solution to its requirements.Our Featured Integrated ALM and Regulatory Reporting solution comprises all the following ALMIS® modules
Capital Adequacy
Reporting and analytics on the adequacy of capital resources (standardised approach) and related topics.
Evaluation of and extensive reporting on liquidity risk generally, including highly configurable liquidity stress functionality.
Market Risk
Evaluates and reports on interest rate risk in the banking book and foreign exchange rate risk.
Margin Management & FTP
Highly customisable analysis and reporting of margin and Funds Transfer Pricing.
Hedge Accounting
A powerful and comprehensive IAS 39 and IFRS 9 compliant hedge accounting solution.
Financial Planning
Enables the creation of complex plans and powerful balance sheet and income simulations quickly.
Why Choose ALMIS® Integrated ALM and Regulatory Reporting?
Greater efficiency than multiple solutions.
Consistency of numbers across internal MI and regulatory returns.
All the balance sheet insights provided by the market leading ALM functionality.